Our company takes multiplication contracts on behalf of most known seed companies in the world .
Our production is made in two different ways :
· on customer basic seeds ( we are able to multiply hybrid and open pollinated varieties )
· on our basic seeds (we have a large range of varieties that we maintain and improve continuously in our experimental farm).
The high quality of our production is guaranteed by:
· sowing of selected basic seeds.
· multiple inspection of fields during the enti e vegetative cycle with the support of expert technicians.
· multiple roughing of fields for the elimination of Off types
· processing with the most modern machines.
· laboratory analysis for testing germination and purity of each lot.
· post control field for hecking of varietal identity and purity.
We have a large network of farmers in different regions of Italy:
Puglia , Molise, Basilicata, Emilia Romagna and Marche. They run small, medium or large farms with different environmental conditions. They enable us to place large scale open pollinated crops and small scale hybrids requiring large amount of hand work. Our staff of technicians chose the best location and the best production areas due to the experience on each crop, ensuring positive results on quantity and quality.